The new Moon in Virgo marks new beginnings in our mundane, every-day life and encourages us to become more involved in the material world.
The long period of retrogrades is slowly coming to an end, with Jupiter setting the wheel back into motion on 12 September. The world begins to speed up again, we are waking up from the dream-like state in which the planets have entranced us. It is time to get practical, to apply what we have learned these past months into our daily lives. We are drifting away from the introspective phase of 2020 into a more extroverted and collective time.
The new Moon happens at 25°00’ of Virgo, the last degrees of the sign, which brings about a mature Earth energy. This means that manifesting our intentions this cycle will require actual work and effort on the physical plane. We are blessed with powerful Earth trine energy on this new Moon (the luminaries in Virgo, Uranus in Taurus, and Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn), which motivates us to work towards our goals and to become more involved in the material world.
The mundane aspect of existence comes into sharp focus this cycle, so this is an ideal time to establish new routines and to stick to them for the rest of the year. Virgo incorporates spirituality into the material world. Therefore, this new Moon is perfect for making rituals out of routines and for finding the sacred in the mundane. It is also a great opportunity for taking care of our health, for finding suitable remedies and diets to maintain a strong health, as well as to heal the mind, body and soul. As Virgo rules work and service to others, it is also a good time to apply ourselves in our jobs and give the best we have to offer; to lend a hand and be available to help regardless of our relationship with the other person; and to engage in mental tasks or activities, as Virgo is very analytical and detail-oriented.
Mercury, ruler of Virgo, is currently in Libra until 28 September. This is a good time for socialising, building bridges, maintaining harmonious relationships and resolving conflicts, as Libra has a diplomatic approach, gentle communication and strives for harmony. Mercury is square Jupiter in Capricorn, an aspect that could make us boastful, scatter or minds and make us overlook the smaller details. However, it does allow us to dream big and to plan our next move for the long term.
Mars is retrograde in Aries and square to Saturn in Capricorn. Our individuality and freedom are being challenged as we face restrictions, delays and are looked down on by authority figures. Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) will feel this transit most intensely.
On this new Moon in Virgo, may you find the remedy for your deepest wounds, take time to yourself, give without expecting anything in return, and realise that you are more than good enough, just by being yourself.
Artwork: “Spring” by Alphonse Mucha (1896)