The Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on 26 May brought significant culmination points and endings. During the in-between phase leading up to the new Moon, and with Mercury retrograde in Gemini, we have had time to reflect and revisit many areas of our lives. The Solar Eclipse in Gemini brings powerful new beginnings and renewed energy for action.
Solar eclipses are powerful new Moons, huge portals that set off 6-month cycles of transformation and new beginnings. They bring change on a personal, as well as on a collective level. By letting go of resistance and allowing events to unfold, we make space for the necessary changes to come into our lives.
The Gemini new Moon and solar eclipse brings beginnings and changes in the areas of communication, thinking, learning, networking, business, short trips, siblings, neighbours and small communities. On a personal level, the house at 19° Gemini in your natal chart shows in which area of your life the changes will be taking place.
On a collective level, we are called to integrate polarity. Gemini is associated with the Twins, duality, the two sides of every coin. Ancient texts teach us about the universal Principle of Polarity:
“Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.” — The Kybalion.
Our collective challenge is to accept that each of us perceives Life from an individual point of view. Therefore, there is not one truth, but as many truths as there are conscious beings experiencing Life on this planet. According to the Principle of Polarity, separateness is the opposite of union. Since both are but two sides of the same coin, we are as separated as we are one. The balance is found in mutual respect for each point of view and for each thought that is being expressed.
With Mercury retrograde in Gemini, exactly conjunct the eclipse, it is the opportunity to review our communication and thinking patterns, our learning process and abilities, and to revisit old or postponed ideas. It is also a good time to reconcile opposites within ourselves and, thus, reintroduce balance and alignment into our lives. This can be as basic as finding balance between our masculine and feminine energies or as accepting both the left and right sides of our physical bodies, even though one side might be less symmetrical than the other.
A square to Neptune in Pisces could make our minds foggy, trigger deception and confusing thoughts, as well as make it hard to see clearly when making decisions. Mercury square Neptune could also cause the dissolution of established knowledge or truth, what we held for certain and things we learned a long time ago. It is also common for people from the past to reappear into our lives at this time, and for dreams to be more vivid and symbolic.
The dominant element this cycle is Air, bringing about new ideas, multitasking abilities, solutions to problems, communication breakthroughs and renewed energy for action and movement. With no Fire, it is easy to lose ourselves in the meanders of the mind, and we may be feeling more anxious or nervous than usual. It is important to find a balance between the rational mind and the desires of the heart.
✨ May this eclipse usher in a new chapter of your life that is more in alignment with your heart’s desire! ✨
☽ Happy New Moon & Solar Eclipse ☾
