The new Moon in Sagittarius on 14 December is also a total solar eclipse. Happening at 23°08′ of Sagittarius, this new Moon has favourable aspects for a powerful new beginning.
Solar eclipses are extremely powerful new Moons that mark new beginnings, not only on a personal, but also on a collective level. A solar eclipse is a portal through which we have to step in, by letting go of resistance and allowing events to unfold. On a personal level, the house at 23° Sagittarius in your natal chart shows in which area of life new beginnings await.
The Moon in Sagittarius is all about optimism, philosophy, higher knowledge, truth, beliefs and ideologies, spirituality, adventure, travel, freedom, faith and luck. These are mostly felt on an emotional level. This new Moon and eclipse is a time to approach the world with an open mind, to discover new places, cultures and practices, to review and develop our beliefs systems, to find the courage to speak our truth, to practise spirituality and to cultivate faith.
Mercury is conjunct the Sun & Moon in Sagittarius. The themes of communication and thinking are emphasised this cycle. This is a good time to deepen a subject or to take up new studies, to put our thoughts into words, to share our knowledge with the world and to pursue writing or publishing work.
Mars in Aries is trine the Sun, Moon & Mercury in Sagittarius. The fire energy flows easily, giving us the drive, initiative and motivation to make new plans, to reach our goals, to think clearly and to move forward with a courageous and determined attitude.
Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, is currently conjunct Saturn in the last degrees of Capricorn. The planet of expansion and luck, feels restricted and less optimistic in Capricorn, the sign of Saturn. The desire to break free and to embark on a new journey is strong, but can be quite frustrating given the current global situation. As long as Saturn looms over Jupiter, our new beginnings will be met with obstacles necessary to our personal development and collective evolution. Events are speeding up as both planets sprint towards Aquarius, where they will form the “Great Conjunction” on 21 December and winter solstice.
One harsh aspect compromises this positive lunar cycle: Neptune in Pisces square the Sun, Moon & Mercury in Sagittarius. This aspect brings disillusionment, confusion, deception, spiritual blockages and the spread of misinformation or infections. The fire trine between Mars and the planets in Sagittarius, however, gives us the necessary means to navigate the Neptunian fog, to see things from a higher point of view and from a different perspective, and to maintain strength and vitality, as Fire rules the immune system.
The world is your oyster and possibilities are endless. Just like the Sagittarian symbol, it is time to nock the arrow onto your bowstring and to aim for the stars. ♐
☽ Happy solar eclipse and new Moon ☾
