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Alexandra Cacavas

The Great Conjunction 2020

Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Aquarius & Winter Solstice,

21 December 2020

Image: Getty Images

On 21 December, the day of the winter solstice, Jupiter and Saturn conjunct at 0° of Aquarius. Jupiter, King of the Gods, symbolising expansion, growth, abundance, luck and faith, joins Saturn, Leader of the Titans and God of Time, symbolising wisdom, structures, limitations, morals, life lessons and karma, in the revolutionary sign of Aquarius, thus marking the next milestone in the new Age of Aquarius. A new cycle and era starts, as opposite forces join and the pendulum finds its way back in the centre.

Jupiter and Saturn conjunct roughly every 20 years. For many ancient civilisations, the moment of Great Conjunctions was very important, as it set the tone and foretold what could be expected for the next 20 years.

For the past 200 years or so, Jupiter and Saturn have been conjuncting in Earth signs. This brought about the Industrial Revolution, the use of and dependency on fossil fuels, the accumulation of wealth, capitalism and consumerism, the birth of modern cities, innovation in transport (invention of train, automobile and airplane), the pillage of Earth’s resources and the great environmental degradation of modern times. The planets now conjunct in Aquarius, opening a new 200-year cycle of conjunctions in the element of Air. The last time Jupiter and Saturn conjuncted in Air signs was during the 13th and 14th centuries, heralding the transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance era in Europe.

To make things even more symbolic, the two giants conjunct at 0 degrees of Aquarius, zero being the number of the Fool in the Tarot, of new beginnings, adventure and discovery. Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus, and symbolises the higher mind, humanity, networks, communities, revolution, politics, space and the Universe at large, astrology, science, technology and the Internet. Therefore, we can expect important discoveries, innovations, improvements and great focus in these areas for the next 20 years. On a personal level, the house at 0° Aquarius in your natal chart shows in which areas of life you can expect change.

This Great Conjunction could be perceived as the “official” beginning of the Age of Aquarius. Up until now, we have been standing on the cusp between the late Age of Pisces and the new the Aquarian Age, watching old structures crumble down and new ones take their place.

Astrological ages last about 2,500 years. We got a first taste of the Age of Aquarius in the late 1960s and early 1970s with the emergence of the hippie movement and subculture in the West, when the youth began to protest massively against the Establishment, war and social inequalities, dropping out of school and the military to gather with like-minded people and leading a lifestyle that was very different from their parents’. Then came the World Wide Web in the early 1990s and with it the digital revolution, which has changed the way we work, has allowed information to become accessible to all and for people to stay connected no matter how far they live from each other or what language they speak.

Last but not least, Jupiter and Saturn conjunct on the winter solstice (Yule), the shortest day of the year, symbolising the death of the Sun. It is a time of stillness, silence, rest, darkness and deep introspection. It is also the beginning of Capricorn season, the Crone of the Earth signs. For the next few days, we are observers in the dark, we listen to our inner voice and we keep the inner flame alive. Three days later, on what we call Christmas nowadays, the Sun is reborn. We begin to set intentions, make plans for the coming year and look forward to acting on them in the spring.

I smell change in the Air, I feel it everywhere. As the Heavens align with the Earth, A new world is birthed.

Welcome to the New Age


Happy Winter


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