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Alexandra Cacavas


Disclaimer: the predictions made below are my own interpretation of the current astrological transits and the collective spiritual/societal trends. I do not claim to hold the absolute truth and I cannot be held accountable for personal/collective experiences not aligning with those predictions.


2025 is a PIVOTAL year.



Yet, most of them will be retrograding back to their previous signs, thus giving us a taste of what fully awaits us in the next half of the 2020s!

Therefore, the main themes for 2025 are endings & beginnings. We get to have a glimpse of what lies ahead & prepare accordingly.


12/01: The lunar nodes move into the signs of Pisces (North Node) & Virgo (South Node). Eclipses in those signs in March & September!

31/03: Neptune moves into Aries

26/05: Saturn moves into Aries

10/06: Jupiter moves into Cancer

08/07: Uranus moves into Gemini

Reminder: Pluto fully moved into Aquarius in November 2024!


We are transitioning from EARTH & WATER to AIR & FIRE.

These past 4 years, EARTH & WATER were the dominant elements. Like a caterpillar in the chrysalis, we spent those years doing a lot of introspective/inner work, getting to know ourselves intimately, integrating trauma/shadow & letting go of a lot of karmic baggage. It was a very Yin time.

We are now moving into 8 years of AIR & FIRE. Expect more Yang energy: extraversion, action, speed, motivation, ambition, passion, shared talents & creativity, ideas, exchange, cooperation, networking, future-oriented, etc.

2025 is the year when we emerge from the chrysalis, but we don’t fully open our wings. With Jupiter, Mars & the North Node in Water signs, there are still some past things to review & to let go of before we can confidently take flight. We might feel in-between chapters, and that’s okay!


2025 is a universal year 9 (2+0+2+5 = 9).

9 is the number of completions. Therefore, 2025 is the end of a cycle, bringing accomplishments, endings & closures, and ushering in a period of transition before new beginnings in 2026.

9 is also associated with humanitarianism, service, universality/oneness, wisdom & spiritual maturity.

Thus, 2025 is a year of service to Humanity & conscious action. With a better understanding of karma, we act only if the fruit of our actions benefit the collective. We think of the path we want walk on collectively & how we want to move forward together. We take notice of what works & what’s outdated, and adjust accordingly. We come together to lay down the foundations of the upcoming new cycle based on what we’ve learned these past 9 years.

The number 9 is ruled by MARS.

2025 promises to be a very dynamic, action-oriented, energetic & speedy year. We will be working with authenticity, motivation, courage, assertion, anger, boundaries & how to properly use our life force/sexual energy to create instead of destroy.

In 2025, we will be overcoming fears & exploring unknown territories, both within & without, growing stronger as a result. Embodying our spirituality (not just preaching/studying it) will become an important goal.

The warrior energy will awaken in many, which will be channelled into service for Humanity & the creation of a better world. The misuse & abuse of Martian energy will bring much destruction, but also the lesson that we can overcome anything when we work together.


2025 is the Year of the Wood Snake.

The snake is associated with renewal, rebirth, transformation, change, personal growth, enlightenment, healing, medicine, ambition, life force (prana/chi), grounding, the root chakra, wisdom, mysticism, intelligence, intuition & insight.

In 2025, we will be shedding the last remnants of our old skin. We will learn to work with, master, preserve & transmute our life force, instead of wasting it. This will lead to a collective rise in kundalini & awakening. We will learn to self-heal & auto-regulate, and understand that we are both our own cure & poison.

Snakes are associated with the Earth’s primal energy. The Earth’s life force will also rise in 2025. Her presence as a living being will be felt more strongly. We will go through the shedding/healing process together with Her & assist Her.


Solar cycle 25 reaches its peak in 2025 (solar maximum). This means a peak in solar activity, which means more auroras blessing the skies, even in lower latitudes!

Solar activity generates geomagnetic storms, solar flares & coronal mass ejections. Bursts of radiation & hot plasma are released into space & come into contact with the Earth’s magnetic field. This affects technology, electricity, GPS, satellite & radio communication (black-outs), but experts are prepared.

This also affects our physical bodies, since we’re not used to receiving so many photons (light) & so much radiation.

Increased solar activity can cause the following symptoms: insomnia, fatigue, headaches, nausea, ringing in the ears, anxiety, feeling ‘off’, hungover or unmotivated, dehydration, digestive issues, restlessness, vivid dreams, ...


DISCLAIMER: The following themes/predictions apply beyond 2025.

In 2025, we will get a first glimpse of most of these themes playing out in the world. They will manifest briefly before we go back to the way things were a few months before (transition period). Questions will be raised & possibilities will open up, but we won’t be fully acting/working on those themes this year. We can, however, observe the trends & plan ahead accordingly.

Of course, this list is not exhaustive.

  • More waves of mass awakening, kundalini activation, mastering the life force (Uranus in Gemini, Pluto in Aquarius, Saturn & Neptune at the last degrees of Pisces, Year of the Snake)

  • New conscious leaders, new ways to lead, new governmental structures; personal empowerment, self-authority & sovereignty (Saturn & Neptune in Aries, Mars 9 Year)

  • Spirituality becoming more mainstream, rise in spiritual/abstract experiences, stronger faith in a higher power, release of karmic baggage/patterns, heightened/development of psychic abilities, oneness/interconnectedness, forgiveness, mainstream use & legalisation of psychedelic substances (North Node in Pisces, Year of the Snake)

  • Rethinking health, conventional medicine & modern treatments; huge release wave of unhealthy habits, big lifestyle changes, healing on all levels, new ways to heal, alternative medicines becoming more mainstream, new ways to serve & work (South Node in Virgo, Year of the Snake, Year 9)

  • New technology & new inventions constantly being presented to the public (+ overwhelm & overstimulation), youth/students as leading innovators (Uranus in Gemini, Pluto in Aquarius)

  • Changes in the media, new Internet, new social media platforms, fight for free speech (Uranus in Gemini, Pluto in Aquarius, Saturn & Neptune in Aries)

  • Collective new beginning for Humanity: destruction or creation? (Mars 9 year, Saturn & Neptune in Aries)

  • AI progress & first take over of jobs, need for legislation & regulation, metaphysical & ethical questions (Uranus in Gemini, Pluto in Aquarius)

  • Alien disclosures, fake alien invasion, adventurous space programmes, first borders in space, first space contracts (Pluto in Aquarius, Uranus in Gemini, Saturn & Neptune in Aries)

  • Changes in the educational system, reviewing outdated programmes, alternative ways to educate/teach, changes in the nature of degrees & qualification criteria (Uranus in Gemini, Pluto in Aquarius)

  • Changes in politics/ideologies, new parties, reviewing human rights & humanitarian legislation (Uranus in Gemini, Pluto in Aquarius, Saturn & Neptune in Aries, Year 9)

  • More revolts, protests, revolutions; changes in power structures, change of governance, emergence of new world powers, changes in geopolitical dominance & borders (Uranus in Gemini, Pluto in Aquarius, Saturn & Neptune in Aries, Mars 9 Year)

  • Rethinking the family unit, structures, traditions & values; baby boom (Jupiter in Cancer)

  • Time speeding up, rethinking the concept of time (Pluto in Aquarius, Uranus in Gemini, Saturn & Neptune in Aries)

  • New discoveries about the brain, harnessing the power of the mind (Uranus in Gemini, Pluto in Aquarius)


(Jupiter in Cancer, Pluto in Aquarius, Uranus in Gemini, Year 9)

Humanity will realise that cooperation & groups are more important & impactful than competition & individualism.

The craving for real, deep & authentic human connection will increase. The loneliness epidemic will reach a breaking point where people will take leaps outside of their comfort zones to feel connected to others again.

Finding your tribe, connecting with like-minded people, conscious gatherings, power of groups, finding your soul family (beyond blood relations), finding your work/contribution to this world, reaching out for help, mutual learning, communal resourcefulness, alternative ways of living outside the established systems, new hippie/drop-out/counterculture/civil rights movements.


Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius (Sun, Moon and/or Rising): transformation, unconventional experiences, unexpected events, closing chapters, new beginnings, redirection, important karmic releases & lessons, unexpected changes, adaptation.

Aquarius, Leo, Taurus & Scorpio 0°- 5° (Sun, Moon and/or Rising): transformation, shadow work, karmic releases, purification, rebirth, new skin, authenticity, stepping into your power.

Aries 0°- 3° (Sun, Moon, Rising and/or Mars): leadership opportunities, authenticity, bravery, pioneering; cultivating discipline, healthy ego & dropping masks; personal power, sovereignty, spiritual warriors/protectors, provision, service.

Cancer (Sun, Moon and/or Rising + personal planets): growth, abundance, luck, trust, acknowledgement, appreciation, service.


Wishing you all a smooth transition into 2025.

May you embrace the changes that are coming your way, trusting that they are for your highest good & beneficial to your growth.

May you connect with people who reflect all the hard work & efforts you’ve invested in yourself these past years.

May this be the year when we can put our differences aside and come together as one Humanity!

Let's make the last half of the 2020s one for the books!

The world is a co-creation.

A dream that we weave together.

And the thread is Love.


Mars Rising - Collage made by me


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