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Full Blue Moon in Taurus, 31 October 2020

Alexandra Cacavas

The Full Moon in Taurus falls on Samhain (Halloween), the Day of the Dead, when the veil between the world of matter and spirits is at its thinnest. To make the night even more special, this Full Moon is also a Blue Moon, meaning that it is the second full Moon happening in a month.

Samhain celebrates the darkest half of the year, as the Earth finally lays to rest and Nature puts on her last show before giving way to the silence and stillness of winter. As the veil between the worlds is thin, tonight we honour our ancestors, the spirits that guide and protect us, as well as the magic that surrounds us. It is the night of the witches, green men, druids, seers and psychics. It is a night when we can easily make contact with the spirits, work with our shadows and contemplate the concept of death.

The Sun is currently in Scorpio, the sign of darkness, death, rebirth and transformation. The Full Moon is happening opposite the Sun, at 08°38′ Taurus. Taurus symbolises the Earth, the physical realm, the world where our desires and wishes manifest. This is the perfect day to walk in nature, cook, tend the garden, work with herbs and medicines, adorn our homes, meditate, paint, sing and take it easy. As Full Moons are culmination points, now is the time to let go and practise forgiveness.

Uranus is the main influence of this full Moon, as both planets are exactly conjunct in Taurus. On a personal level, this aspect can make us emotionally restless and impulsive, bring major and drastic changes, cause our moods to fluctuate and enhance our psychic abilities. On a collective level, Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus can cause sudden emotional eruptions and earthquakes of every kind – natural, societal, political and economic.

Mercury in Libra and Mars in Aries, both retrograde, make a cardinal square to the Capricorn Gang (Jupiter, Pluto & Saturn). Paired with the explosive, rebellious influence of Uranus, these aspects creates frustration, miscommunication and a rigid approach towards authority (Capricorn), which in turn can lead to restrictions, indignation and revolts. The cleansing power of Scorpio and the grounding energies of Taurus act symbiotically in our favour, and help us navigate these challenging aspects.

To our ancestors, may you rest in peace in the realms of light. We honour your wisdom and thank you for the guidance you provide us. Your secrets are shared and your stories passed on to your descendants.

~ Have a blessed Samhain ~

Art: “Witch Way” by Molly Harrison (2012)


Alexandra Cacavas | Astrologer & Esoteric Facilitator
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