The full Moon at 27 degrees of Gemini invites us to become aware of the power of our words and to reconcile opposites in times of extremes and division.
The Moon in Gemini shines a light on communication needs, especially around emotions. It is a good time to resolve arguments or to express something that we long could not put into words.
The main lesson on this full Moon is to realise how much power words hold. Sound affects water, which means that it also has an influence on our body, since we are made of 70% water. Words are sounds that carry meaning and symbolism. They can cut through the heart like a sword, just as they can uplift. Our inner dialogue has the power to regulate our entire energetic field and frequency. This is why mindfulness, gratitude, mantras, positive affirmations and journaling are important practices for overall well-being.
The Moon in Gemini asks us to review our dialogue and the words that we use, both with others and with ourselves. It is a good time to release negative self-talk or to let go of words that hurt us in the past. It is an opportunity to practise forgiveness, by choosing a sound, a mantra, a word or an affirmation that describes what you are releasing and repeating it several times to yourself.
The Sun is opposite the Moon in Sagittarius, shining a light on the I KNOW vs. I BELIEVE axis. As full Moons are intense emotional periods and culmination points, verbal and emotional outbursts, arguments, intense debates and gossiping can be expected, which is not surprising given the issues we are collectively facing at this time.
Division is omnipresent in our societies today, with people refusing to find a middle ground between what they believe and other peoples’ opinions. With the Sun in Sagittarius, everyone wants to make their voice heard. With the ongoing Saturn-Uranus square, whole generations clash, thus widening the gap even more. As Gemini symbolises duality, opposites need to be reconciled in order to bring back balance, both on a collective and on a personal level.
The Sun and the Moon are squaring Neptune in Pisces, at the apex of a T-square. The overload of information and the principle of freedom of speech make the subject of truth difficult to discern: What is true and what is not? Who decides what is right or wrong?
Neptune being the planet of unconditional love, transcendence and unity, he teaches us acceptance. Opinions and beliefs are subjective. We all experience the world from our individual point of view and we all believe in different truths. We have to accept that we cannot agree on everything all the time. We have to acknowledge our differences and try to find common ground when we diverge, instead of creating more division. We have to celebrate our uniqueness, instead of trying to fit everyone into the same mould. This means holding space for others to open up safely and to listen without judgement.
Finally, Venus is conjunct Pluto in Capricorn and is beginning her retrograde motion on the day of the full Moon (until 29 January 2022). She will meet Pluto two more times: on 25 December 2021 and on 3 March 2022.
This transit brings relationship and financial issues to light for us to transform into something better. Venus conjunct Pluto allows us to notice toxic patterns in relationships of every kind and to solve them. The energy of Capricorn invites us to strive for loyal, stable and long-standing unions.
Venus retrograde in Capricorn teaches us how to become resourceful by (re-)using what we already have, by revaluating our material possessions and by revisiting useful survival skills. It is an opportunity to come up with a better management or financial plan, and to review career decisions and goals. It is also a good time to revisit our values and to rebuild our self-worth. On a collective level, dark revelations regarding sex, power, government and financial systems can be expected to surface.