Even though new Moons are about beginnings, the new Moon at 12 degrees of Pisces symbolises endings, as it is the last new Moon of the astrological year. With the winter coming to an end and with spring fast approaching, now is the time to look back with gratitude at the past astrological year, to release all that needs to go and to make space for the new. By aligning with our heart’s desire and by trusting our inner guidance, we envision the dream that we are going to birth in the spring. The new Moon in Pisces allows us to dive deep into the dream world, where many answers can be found, before our winter hibernation ends and the time for action begins (Aries).
The Moon and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter, traditional ruler of Pisces. Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces, is also in its home sign, a few degrees away. This new Moon is perhaps one of the most powerful of 2022. It offers great potential for creativity, love, luck, opportunities, alignment, empathy and healing. As Pisces is associated with spirituality, this cycle allows us to plunge into the cosmic ocean and to merge with the Oneness of creation. It is an auspicious time for deepening spiritual practices, for living in unconditional love and for cultivating faith, unity, devotion and connection to the Divine.
Venus, Mars and Pluto are exactly conjunct at 27 degrees of Capricorn. Toxic patterns and power games in relationships (of all kinds) become apparent. A trine to the north node in Taurus and a sextile to Neptune in Pisces encourage us to face those patterns, to work hard into solving them and to heal them through the power of love.
On a collective level, the conjunction between Venus (harmony), Mars (war) and Pluto (power) urges us to resolve conflicts with structured dialogue (Capricorn), instead of emotional turmoil. We are going through a critical phase that will determine the next evolutionary chapter of humanity and the planet: the breakdown before the breakthrough. In Plutonian terms, this means hitting rock bottom, facing the darkness of the soul, purging past karma and emerging transformed, lighter, stronger and wiser.
Mercury and Saturn are exactly conjunct at 19 degrees of Aquarius. On a collective level, this transit could bring restriction and control of information, speech and thought. For instance, the EU has just announced a ban of Russian state media organisations following the Russian invasion of the Ukraine on 24 February, which means that EU citizens will not be able to access these information outlets. On a personal and positive level, this conjunction allows us to structure one’s mind, develop precise eloquence, anchor one’s long-term convictions and tackle complicated mental tasks.
Earth and Water are the dominant elements on this new Moon. The Yin energy is very strong. You may be in a state of being which requires nurture, nourishment, flow, movement, intuition, healing, self-care, sensuality and physicality. The divine feminine is unleashed, urging us to integrate and embody Her in our beingness and actions. Spending time near water, in nature and alone will prove to be very beneficial during this new Moon.
✨ Questions to help you set the best intentions: ✨
What am I ready to release and what am I ready to welcome in its place? What is my biggest dream and how can I manifest it? Where in my life do I need to introduce more faith, magic, devotion or love? How can I release resistance and surrender to the natural flow of life? How can I cultivate and trust my intuition more? What do I see in my dreams, are there messages or symbolism that I need to pay attention to? How can I improve my relationships? What is my relationship to the Divine Feminine, how do I embody my femininity?
🌙 As you connect with the Moon tonight, I also invite you to make a wish for all living beings on planet Earth and on other worlds. 🌙
Quote: “There would be no ocean if it weren’t for every single drop.” – The Federation of Light, channelled by Blossom Goodchild
Song: “Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth)” by George Harrison, who has Sun and Venus in Pisces. His Piscean outlook on life is very much reflected in his songwriting.
☽ Happy New Moon ☾
For a poem inspired by Pisces season, check out Under the Sea
