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New Supermoon in Scorpio, 15 November 2020

Alexandra Cacavas

We are currently in the middle of Scorpio season and autumn. Nature has put on one last glorious show before handing over the stage to the stillness and silence of winter. Scorpio is the sign of death and rebirth: it teaches us the concept of impermanence, as there is no beginning without end, no Life without Death.

Scorpio is the alchemist, turning lead into gold, transmuting life (sexual) energy into creation, teaching us how to make the best with what we have; the mystic, bringing the deepest of secrets into light and uncovering the mysteries of existence; and the master of shadows, managing other people’s affairs behind closed doors and subtly influencing decisions and outcomes.

The new Moon takes place at 23°17′ Scorpio. A new cycle of inner transformation begins: now is the time to dive into our depths, to face our darkness and daemons, to throw our past wrongdoings, burdens and regrets into the pyre, in order to rise from the ashes like the phoenix. This cycle is also the opportunity to work on our perception of intimacy, sex, taboo, power and wealth, as well as on the emotions that arise from these concepts.

The new Moon in Scorpio is a Supermoon, meaning that the energy is heightened. The Supermoon prepares us for the upcoming eclipse season, whereby a new cycle of personal and collective growth begins, starting with a lunar eclipse in Gemini on 30 November. As eclipses are intense new and full Moons, they usually bring drastic changes. This new Moon invites us to purge and to let go as much as possible, in order to enter eclipse season as light as a feather, allowing us to welcome these changes and to smoothly navigate these powerful energies.

On the same day, Mercury in Scorpio faces Uranus in the opposite sign of Taurus. This aspect can bring communication difficulties and blockages, a tendency to speak before thinking, heated debates and clashes of opinions, but also faster thinking, greater insight and a sharper mind. Now is a good time to examine your opinions, ideals and beliefs, and to see if what you preach aligns with what you actually practise.

Venus in Libra squares Jupiter and Pluto, both conjunct in Capricorn. On a collective level, individual ideals and values clash against the unstable status quo. On a personal level, this aspect can lead to gluttony, excess, overspending and not taking things seriously (Jupiter), as well as to power struggles, control, fear, insecurity and jealousy in relationships, friendships and partnerships (Pluto).

Amidst these difficult aspects, the Sun and the Moon form a sextile to Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn. The Sun shines his light on the outdated structures, while the Moon promises new beginnings and the opportunity for deep cleansing and transformation – alchemy on a practical level.

Mars, ruler of Scorpio, ended his retrograde in Aries on 13 November and is eager to make up for lost time. Time and events speed up, which can lead to excitement, rushed decisions, half-done work and even burnout. Alternatively, this is an excellent time for completing unfinished business, starting new projects, finding the motivation to accomplish one’s goals and for getting back on track (physically, professionally, spiritually, etc.).

Breathe, As you reach the stillness, The eternal universal promise, Of gold and magic.

Breathe, As you take the leap of faith, Ablaze, trusting the process, Your breakthrough a gentle caress.

© Art by Josephine Wall


Alexandra Cacavas | Astrologer & Esoteric Facilitator
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